系統優化工具-Neptune SystemCare Ultimate 中文免安裝版

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Neptune SystemCare Ultimate 是一款系統優化工具,它的功能非常的齊全,垃圾清理、註冊表清理、系統優化、啟動項管理、隱私擦除、系統監控等。Neptune SystemCare Ultimate 的體積十分的小巧,帶有繁體中文界面,支援所有常見的Windows操作系統。

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Neptune SystemCare is a comprehensive piece of software designed to lend you a hand with cleaning junk, temporary files, old registry entries and similar data that can put your privacy at risk and slow down your computer at the same time… In the eventuality that you are looking for an easy to use tool that help you clean, enhance and optimize your computer while taking care of privacy vulnerabilities at the same time, then perhaps Neptune SystemCare could come in handy

Neptune SystemCare Ultimate 的軟體介面幾乎與 Wise Care 365 的操作介面相同,所以使用方式請參照 全能優化軟體-Wise Care 365 4.72.455 中文免安裝 一篇。

軟體名稱: Neptune SystemCare Ultimate
軟體版本: V2.1.6.438
軟體語言: 多國語言(繁體中文)
官方網站: 官方網站
下載連結: 免安裝版下載

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